Because things are, yet again and as in Sept/Oct, unraveling super-fast. If not even faster.
And this just when there are many in the US corporate world are again imagining that the worst is over. Cuz the 'market' has 'rallied' for two weeks. Cuz revenues have 'stabilized'. Or because unemployment claims aren't getting worse. Pick your reason to be delusional, and you'll hear in in the halls of Congress and in executive suites all over the land.....
Some bracing stuff to chew on, in addition to my recent posts:
Much Bigger Deficits Seen in Budget Office Forecast
From Washington, an A.I.G. Flogging for the Masses
All that invective and posturing over the bonuses at A.I.G. may be undermining efforts to shore up the economy
Joe's on the case for sure:
By week’s end, I was more depressed about the financial crisis than I’ve been since last September. Back then, the issue was the disintegration of the financial system, as the Lehman bankruptcy set off a terrible chain reaction. Now I’m worried that the political response is making the crisis worse.
This emergency is real, and growing, and still not understood. In fact, it's still utterly underestimated by complacent American business leaders, and by an almost willfully irresponsible Congress.
Time for scaring the children again!
Hot Pursuit! 911 EV Update (and the new book)
4 hours ago
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