Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hello all, and welcome.

I'm Christopher Keating, but you can call me Chris (or worse if you choose)

This is a new blog, still under construction as they say, but stay tuned. Over the coming weeks I, and a select group of guest bloggers, will fearlessly wade into the national and international disaster that is our global economic system, with an eye to debunking all of the nonsense you see on CNBC, and with an eye towards understanding what all this mess means to regular folks like you (and me), and to understanding whether indeed we all should be buying guns and gold (hint: not yet)

Anyhooooo think of this blog as a daily reality check on things economic, but also from time to time on musings completely unrelated - like why "Invisible Cities" is arguably the greatest work of fiction in the 20thC.

Oh. You might ask 'who is this Keating guy?'. Excellent question, and one I ask myself all the time. Let's for the moment just say that I'm an ex-ad exec, ex-consumer trends consultant, ex-ski bum, ex-financial services insider, ex-farmer (in no particular order) and current interested observer of all things I find worth observing, and that happens to be quite a lot, as I hope to demonstrate as this here puppy evolves.

And yes, one of the themes of this blog, and indeed the title, is that it's worse than you think it is. Truth. And I'm a happy guy by nature.

Stay tuned, and I promise that this will be educational (at least for me) and even occasionally fun and funny.

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